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Building EMPATHY in children: Teaching "sharing"

Until the age of 6 years, children are egocentric at varying levels. And that is just nature, not much parents or teachers can do about it. This is the stage where the word of the month is "MINE!", phrase of the month is "THIS.. MINE!" especially with the 2-4 year olds.

However, in my classroom, I have successfully promoted sharing using a few simple and effective steps. I will share my favourite technique. Modelling. If you want a child to do something, they must first experience it - therefore, the parents or teachers  have to model it. This means, you have to be actively interacting with the child - hands on play. Use simple language to accompany the action. (if you want details of language used, pls PM me). The language should complement the action not over shadow it. After a few times, see if the child is now willing to reciprocate. Bear in mind that with children, you cannot expect to just do this activity once and expect them to "get it"! The key is consistency and repetition. Best part is, parents and teachers can use this methods very effectively across both environments - home and school.

Once the child is ready to share with an adult, then and only then, can you attempt to facilitate the same with peers and siblings. Bear in mind peers and siblings may well be in the same developmental stage and therefore, resist having to share..:)

But emphasizing the act of sharing should be part of school and home culture, ideally. As children get older, then, fading the augmentation of the act of sharing can be done. Sometimes, adults need reminding too, and in my experience, highlighting a few acts of sharing can be useful even in adult relationships.

Look out for the next quality that flows naturally from sharing - grace and courtesy..

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