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ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

Who can diagnose these conditions?

Unlike other problems that cause learners to face learning difficulties and differences, ADD and ADHD cannot be diagnosed by just any professional. These conditions are medical in nature and can only be diagnosed by psychiatrists. Even a pediatrician is not qualified to diagnose these conditions. Psychologists cannot diagnose these either.

Both conditions on their own stem from a chemical imbalance in the brain. ADD and ADHD are very different in their presentation but in Malaysia both terms are loosely used.

A child with ADD is inattentive and shows signs such as day dreaming or being spaced out. A child with ADHD are those who cannot sit still, are fidgety, feel the need for movement constantly. They cannot even sit down to watch  TV and will not be able to concentrate on games played on electronic devices.

In Malaysia, any child who cannot sit still and pay attention is considered to have either ADD or ADHD. Very often, parents tell me that their child faces difficulties with concentrating on school work but when it comes to the iPAD or phone or TV, they are able to sit for hours on end. Having been misled by prior information, it often takes alot of convincing to get parents to understand that their child is possible NOT having ADD or ADHD but rather some other specific learning difficulty.

ADD and ADHD like symptoms are notorious for masking other conditions. An article I read recently stated there are as many as 50 other conditions that can be mistaken for ADD and ADHD.

Here is the link for those of you who are interested.

50 Conditions that mimic ADHD

Also, do click the link on our Twitter feed with updates on the dangers of medicating young children with ADHD.

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