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Holiday programmes - short miracle cures!

The focus of my article today is on "holiday programmes". For parents who work, this seems like a great way to keep children occupied for a few hours in the day. It ensures that kids are not wasting time playing games on smart devices and are socialising with peer groups. If this is the focus, and reason for attending holiday programmes, then, well and good.

But, one parent I met last week, asked me if I could do a holiday programme that will help her son concentrate better in big school in 2017. We are talking a period of two weeks and she expected that concentration can be built in that short period. I was thinking, someone else has sold her the idea that it is possible to build concentration in 2 weeks. Since she has been convinced, she will benefit from placebo effects of concentration building somewhere else. I told her that 2 weeks is just enough for me to get to know the child's personality. She seemed very disappointed with being told the truth. She obviously has not come back and has decided to go with the "miracle cure" of two weeks!

This is just one example of what parents in Malaysia want to believe. How do u expect to educate your children with learning difficulties effectively, if you continue to not research programmes prior to enrolling?

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