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Life after Homeschool - Planning the future

This is an issue that is very real and often leaves parents unsure of the future. While there are many homeschool provisions that cater to learners from pre-school to the end of secondary, many do not provide follow on programmes.

In the case of learners with difficulties, very often, they do not pass the IGCSE or SPM examinations. What do you do as parents? What options are available to you? It can be very daunting to try and sort it out. Sometimes, for parents, it brings about feelings of hopelessness and panic when thinking about the future of learners who do not finish high school.

Very often, the learner, does not have needs that are so severe that learning a mundane skill like making boxes is the only option. Many learners with mild to moderate learning difficulties are capable of going on and pursuing jobs that involve creative skills. This may include, photography, design - fashion, interior or graphic, game development, and cake decorating just to name a few.

With the availability of the internet, skill based courses can be accessed easily. The trick is learning which ones are accredited and which ones are not! Some courses are even offered for free as taster-courses for those who cannot decide where their talents lie.

The most important thing to consider when selecting a course is the motivational and interest levels. Aptitude testing can aide with this process. While all this is possible these days, all learners need to have some basic knowledge of numeracy and literacy. They should be able to read, write, spell and count to at least secondary level. Additional knowledge to support a career is also necessary and so the focus shifts from being purely academic to gaining enough skills and knowledge to lead independent lives as adults.

Knowing which direction to take as you plan your child's future is important and the only way is by researching options and consulting with experts who are familiar with this issue.

Chin up! A bright future awaits your child too!:)

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