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Specific Learning Difficulties and Teenagers

Is your teenager having difficulties expressing his/herself? Could this be leading to frustration and temper outbursts and poor behaviors' such as grumpiness, rudeness, door-slamming and self imposed isolation? Are their grades slipping? Could it be a comprehension problem? Or a lack of vocabulary? Could it be that organization of thought is difficult and so, expressing it in words becomes near impossible?

These are some common signs of learning difficulties that we observe in teenagers. Parents and teachers easily overlook it thinking that their teenager is "at that age"! Sometimes it is just that but very often its a sign of a difficulty and the teenager does not understand it either. Thoughts and questions like, "how come this is happening to me only?" "something is wrong with me!" "my classmates hate me" etc are common. This is when having a good communication channel helps.

If you feel you cannot talk to your teenager in person when you notice these signs, how about trying to use technology and text them or whatsapp them? Its not the best way to communicate but if that seems like the only possible way to get them to open up to you, then, why not?

If it is an issue, get your teenager assessed immediately for a specific learning difficulty. Do not nag or scold them for being lazy just yet, because in 3 out of 4 cases, the root cause is a hidden learning problem. Due to their high intelligence, it was not identified earlier. But as the work load increases and complex thinking is required, the difficulties start to manifest themselves.

So please.. take your teenagers' behaviors' seriously. Be positive and act NOW rather than wait some more!

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