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COMPREHENSION: Part of learning to READ

Comprehension is an integral part of the reading process. It involves not just recognizing individual words, but also understanding the meaning of a text as a whole. Good comprehension skills enable children to comprehend, retain and recall information. It allows them to understand, analyze and engage with what they are reading, leading to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the material.

Poor comprehension, on the other hand, can have a significant impact on a teenager's ability to succeed in school and in life. When a teenager struggles with comprehension, they are likely to experience a number of consequences, including:

Low academic achievement
Comprehension is a key factor in academic success. Poor comprehension skills can lead to a decline in grades, decreased motivation to learn, and difficulties in retaining information.

Difficulty with test-taking 
Teenagers who struggle with comprehension often have difficulty understanding test questions and answering them accurately. This can result in lower scores and decreased confidence.

Poor critical thinking skills
 Good comprehension skills are essential for developing critical thinking skills. Without the ability to understand and analyze what they are reading, teenagers are unable to evaluate the credibility and reliability of information, making them vulnerable to misinformation.

Reduced enjoyment of reading
 When a teenager struggles with comprehension, reading becomes a chore rather than a source of enjoyment. This can lead to a decline in reading skills, as well as decreased motivation to read.

Decreased engagement in class
Poor comprehension skills can lead to decreased engagement in class, as the teenager is unable to fully participate in discussions and understand lectures. This can result in further declines in academic performance.

Poor essay writing skills
When teenagers find it difficult to understand what they have read, they will consequently find writing a challenge too. This is because they are unable to internalize and analyze new information. They will also show a lack of interest in current affairs and lack general knowledge.

When one cannot read or understand what is read, they will automatically have poor vocabulary skills. Words are gained through reading and comprehension. When, comprehension is a problem, then, vocabulary building will also be a challenge. 

As parents, it's imperative to understand the importance of good comprehension skills and the consequences of poor comprehension. Encouraging your teenager to read regularly, asking questions about what they have read, and providing opportunities for them to discuss their reading are all ways to help them develop good comprehension skills. Additionally, seeking out resources such as tutoring or reading programs can also be effective in addressing comprehension difficulties.

Comprehension is a crucial part of the reading process, and poor comprehension can have a significant impact on a teenager's academic and personal success. By encouraging your teenager to develop good comprehension skills and seeking out resources if necessary, you can help ensure their success both in school and in life.

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