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Brain Training programmes - Debunked

A few weeks ago, I addressed the issue of Brain training programmes that have become ever so popular in Malaysia. Here is some proof, that it cannot cure a learning difficulty and has no transfer effects..

Do not be fooled by great marketing strategies, dear parents. You cannot train the left brain or right brain or both brains and cure a learning difficulty such as dyslexia, or auditory processing disorders, or dyspraxia or dysgraphia or autism for that matter!

How often I have heard parents telling me that, in addition to wanting to have learning based intervention, they are also sending their children for left brain training and how it has worked. Nothing has worked. If you do cross word puzzles often enough, you will become good at it, but that does not translate to a learning difficulty disappearing! If you take up gymnastic like exercises and do beam walking, then, over time, you will have better balance but that will not cure directionality difficulties that dyslexics face.

Don't take my word for it, here is proof. Read on..

Brain Based Training

Bear in mind that im not saying that these programmes don't work at all, they can work on other conditions such as Alzheimer's and other such conditions just not on curing specific learning difficulties as you will see in the market in Malaysia. To find out more on how to help people with Alzheimer's using these brain training, read on.

Brain degeneration

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