What was a school teacher, during school hours doing with her iPhone clearly visible to all students? This attitude of having the phone during work hours to the detriment of quality of work is a problem faced in all industries. But you would think that teachers would have the cow-sense enough to not do it.
Teacher bullies have the worst effect on children and teenagers. They send the message that its okay to be a bully. IT'S NOT! I experienced teacher bullies when I was in primary school in Cameron Highlands - two of them in fact. I rejoiced the day I heard that they has died!! I will never forget those two Cikgu Azariah and Cikgu Malik - both class A bullies. I hated going to school. I was terrified by them into not complaining to my parents because they threatened a primary 1 kid with " jaga kamu, siap esok kalau cakap ngan mak bapak!" Those words still echo in my mind to this day.
Parents, please, listen to your children. If they come home and tell you or if their behaviour after school has suddenly changed, please understand the reality of there being a problem. Bullying by teachers included. The fear, the sadness, the helplessness, the depression, the shame of being singled out, the inadequacy felt, and the self blame...all real feelings that need to be addressed and not taken lightly.