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Special Education & Learning Support: MALAYSIA

It amazes me at the number of parents with children with autism, who are barely speaking and they call in asking me, questions about the syllabus followed at Sri Rafelsia. Happens with parents whose children have dyslexia and other learning difficulties too. The child may be anywhere from 1 - 5 years behind academically, and instead of focusing on how to help the child, they worry about the syllabus..

We are a special education provision. We provide learning support and intervention...based on psychometric assessments, which need to be repeated periodically. I am trained to develop and put together programmes for individual learners so that their potential can be maximised!  I DO NOT follow a SYLLABUS because I am highly trained and qualified and knowledgeable, and have studied how to develop unique, specific and highly effective special education protocols!

Be aware that special education is NOT about a syllabus... it is about the CHILD and that child's specific set of learning needs and how those needs are being met.

Special Education has become so confused and distorted in Malaysia,  This is because of the hundreds of bogus provisions out there with  staff who have degrees in psychology (which is NOT a teaching credential) and others with "experience" and / or "Diplomas in Management of learning disorders" and who are not even teachers to begin with. Others, entice clients by fancy locations, designer furniture and gadgets and gizmos. Now, the latest fad is to sell "IGCSE" as if its a cure for those with special educational needs! Plus, here's the punch, the so called adults who lead these programmes usually can't even speak a straight sentence of English! If they are teaching according to the IGCSE requirements, are they also British trained teachers?? Because in the UK, like everywhere else in the world, in order to teach, you must be a trained teacher!!

SPECIAL EDUCATION is not another form of mainstream education. Special education is there to support the mainstream education process.

And in Malaysia, HOMESCHOOLs are pretty much ILLEGAL schools! 10- 15 kids, one untrained adult person, stuck in a room for hours on end ! Instead of sending your children to legit schools and paying fees for properly trained teachers and staff, you compromise on price and complicate the life of your child with special needs even further! How does this all make sense to parents? I don't understand it.

Parents complain that government school teachers are useless and stupid etc...My argument is at least they are TRAINED teachers!!! As if the adult persons in these cheap homeschool places are any better...How can you pay RM 500 per month, and expect to have trained teachers??  We are not talking about trained SPECIAL EDUCATION teachers.. just regular trained teachers.

We should extend this lack of quality and control in education to the medical field too.... lets have Doctors who have studied for 2 years only.. or nurses who have a 3 month certificate in nursing management...then, lets have doctors who can do brain surgery and fix broken bones and help deliver your babies, and help you sort out your emotional issues. The same one doctor.. could do that, right?  We can use our biotechnology graduates who have no jobs, to cover for doctors...after all... its a related field right? We can get our family GPs to do plastic surgery and remove cataracts!

We could take engineering as an example too.. lets have an aeronautical engineer build sky scrappers and a marine engineer fix our aircrafts... or lets have the aeronautical engineer fly our air crafts.... related field. if he knows how to fix it, surely he can fly it, right?

Kinda like psychology and education...

Provisions that run BOX programmes are not worthy special education programmes either! If you believe that each child is UNIQUE, then how on earth can everyone be catered for using a fixed programme?? If they are not trained to conduct assessments then, how do they even know what the nature of difficulties are?? A RM200 assessment is not going to give you that answer.

A professional who gives you a verbal diagnosis is clearly afraid to put it down on paper because the diagnosis cannot be verified and might be wrong and might damage their credibility. Psychiatrist and other medical professionals in this country are famous for doing this.. they conduct a 20 minute observation and come up with a diagnosis - Autism, Dyslexia, etc. No written reports, no psychometric assessments to substantiate what they say..just their word!

I cannot wait for the day there is some legislation comes in and these bogus provisions with untrained people have to shut down! Common MoE... we need something put in place and fast!

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